How to make the site or blog at the top of search results

All of us have dreams that came first in the Google search engine when visitors undermine the search for a keyword specific, and the biggest dream is to be the floor of choice, Floa achieve that dream for all of us happened Mradh rugged, and has signed or purpose of the forum, which owned .

It is not difficult or impossible, but it's quite easy, you need only to know what you are trying to do, in the process of creating positions and differences, there are rules and the laws of each search engine, if complied with those rules and laws will get Muradk. In the Google search engine Google Search Engine there are several rules and through this article I will explain one of those rules.

Anchor linking text link
It is important to create sites in the world is the text of the link Anchor Linking Text as the text link a significant impact in the process of publicizing the sites. In the following will explain to you how you can put your site in the first rank in the Google search engine.

At the outset, you should determine what keyword you want to call up your rank high when someone searching for that word and should preferably be the floor these vehicles, for instance, if a site has Mint competent organs of cellular and assuming the goal of the process of preparing Is that they get the first rank when people search for "a Nokia" All you have to do is to establish internal links to read the section containing "a Nokia" and that that link to another page containing the text of his relationship with Nokia.

In other words, if Art up to rank first in Google, you use keywords in the text used for internal links, and must be referred to the pages that contain links to information relevant to the text of the link.

The search algorithm used by the Google search engine capable of excellence as to whether these pages referred to a particular match and links related to the text of the link.

After linking to your internal links, you have to keep you add some external links to your site and refer the text link, "a Nokia", of course, is not easy to get a good quality external links from other sites.

The exchange of links between sites can not be applauded, as the search engine Google does not love farms and links that you should be careful when you link your site from abroad. If you are Ba'ep will have the right to arrange excellent search engine Google for the most time 6 months.

Many owners of sites responding to reach an arrangement with Google well in a short time, and this is difficult as Google takes time to give the site a good level, things do not come for the leilet and overnight.

Of course, if you factor interesting text and internal links and neglected other things, you will not get any good grade because there are other factors such as the content of the site and the amount of text in it and the text you copied from other sites or is unique, not to mention the structure of the site Website Structure.