Implications of reducing the ability of America's economic

Implications of reducing the ability of America's economic

Addressed most of the American press criticism and analysis of the possible consequences on the U.S. economy and the world to reduce the credit rating, which was subjected to the United States, having fallen arranged their financial capacity of the "AAA" to "AA" any of the able to the obligation to pay their debts very well to a lower level. "

The newspaper said the Washington Post that U.S. and European officials are struggling to reassure investors, in light of concerns about the prevailing economic conditions, pointing to an emergency meeting held yesterday in the presence of U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Pennanki, to discuss the impact of the implications of reducing the level of the ability of U.S. financial markets Finance.

They discussed the implications of the Foundation Standards & Poor's global reduction of the value of sovereign bonds, the U.S. or reduce the credit rating of the United States, the sense of reducing the level of their commitment to pay the debt, in the worsening of the crisis of debt, the participants issued a statement affirming their support for the financial stability in the country.

In conjunction with the meeting of U.S. officials, he decided the European Central - after a meeting of European officials concerned took place in a hurry - that the bank will invest in European bond markets, in an attempt to support the financial conditions deteriorating in all of Italy, Spain or the fourth and the fifth European economy is suffering a deepening financial crisis.