It's easier babbled than done to write great 500-750 word articles.Knowing that a 500-650 word article marketing article has a greater chance of getting published on a top website like, I consistently try to get all of my articles to conform to that range. Focus the majority of your words on the "meat" of the article. For 'How To' or other 500-750 word list articles, your intro paragraph can be as simple as two to three sentences that intrigue readers and gracefully lead them into your list.
1) Do a word count. Copy and paste your article into a Word document and then use the word-count editing tool.
2) Remove unnecessary wordsTry to cut down your total word count by 10 percent. You can easily complete this task by eliminating unnecessary words.
3) Create 2 articles out of 1. If your word count is too long and you've trimmed out as much as you can from each section, you may end up needing to make your "Top 10" article into two "Top 5" articles. If you follow this tip, make sure you write each article as a stand-alone article.